AbOuT mE

Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying your stay in "The Luna Realm".
This is the really dumb cheesy part where you the visitors get to know me. I am
almost 15 years old and I live in Texas (yeah laugh all you want) Obviously my
favourite band is The Smashing Pumpkins, but I also enjoy most types of rock
music. Some other bands that I deem "neeto" are: nine inch nails, Nivana,
Garbage, Rdaiohead, and Green Day.

My all time favourite movie is Empire Records!!! That is a super neeto movie
about a "typical" day at a record store back in 1994. Anyone who is into
grunge and alternative music will absolutely love this movie and the
soundtrack is awesome as well. It features Sponge, The Cranberries, The Gin
Blossoms and alot of other cool bands.

Another cool movie is The Matrix. It is great for anyone who likes sci-fi stuff
and lots of guns and junk like that. The Matrix is definately "neeto".

Neeto Places to be

-- The dollar movies (they are only a dollar)
-- Six Flags.... You never know what will happen there
-- The corner of my room where i write poetry
-- Anyplace in a dream
-- On the roof... its fun to write and draw up there its very peaceful
and serene

Things I love

- writing poetry
- listening to music (anything from modern rock to classic rock to new wave)
- sleeping
- daydreaming
- dreaming, a person without dreams often feels empty
- all types of art (from drawing to glueing plastic stuff on this old dresser
in my room)
- hanging out with friends (despite how cliche it sounds everyone needs to
like they belong somewhere

Things I hate

-being lonely
-being judged
-when people act all hypocritical like
-People who judge my friends
-when I let my friends down or piss them off because I get really depressed
after I do
-being somewhere where I don't know anyone and I expected to "socialize" (ick)
-feeling left out
-being ignored
-when people don't give other people chances. (when I forgive I really forgive
people and I expect the same from everyone else)
-when people don't treat other people with the respect every human deserves
-when people don't even try to understand me (ie I like politics and watching
stuff on PBS... sorry I am a dork)
-not being recognized and spoken to as soon as I am somewhere ( I tend to take things personally)
-when people flat out forget that I exist when I have always treated them with
the utmost respect and always tried to be there for them

This person knows who they are

- the things I am still forgeting to add to this list